The Consultation workshop is the second step for human services agencies to becoming certified in the Teaching-Family Model. The Consultation workshop focuses on providing Teaching Parent Supervisors with a solid base of information upon which they can help Teaching Parents (and other direct care workers and practitioners) with the implementation of the Teaching-Family Model, and more specifically, the Pre-Service Workshop curriculum. Supervisors or “Program Consultants” are childcare professionals, hired by program administration, to offer support and assistance to the Teaching Parents .
The Consultation workshop usually lasts approximately 3 days, but there are multiple on-site visits whereby a representative from Innovative Teaching Systems works with Supervisors to ensure they are properly supporting the implementation of the Teaching-Family Model by Teaching Parents.
The Consultation workshop is on-going throughout the Teaching-Family Model certification process. The entire set of motivation systems provided for Teaching Parents is meant to increase youth motivation, cooperate with the program and learn new skills”. The motivation systems can be individualized to specific meet the needs of the individual youth. They are designed to help Teaching Parents change youth behavior in a way that is beneficial for all parties. If you’re interested in purchasing Teaching-Family Model Motivation Systems materials check out our Training Modules Store.
Consultation Workshop Goals
Provide Program Consultants/Direct Care Supervisors with…
- The ability to deliver a comprehensive package of support services that will assure that Teaching Parents are implementing the Teaching-Family Model with fidelity
- A structured service delivery plan that includes in-home observation feedback, individualized treatment planning, and motivation systems reviews as the process for promoting Teaching Parent skill development
- Specific supervision strategies that will help Teaching Parents fully implement the Pre-Service Workshop curriculum and effectively utilize all of the Teaching-Family Model program components in a technically sound and effective way
- A comprehensive set of program consultation system materials including specimen sets of all forms and documents
The necessary skills for…
- Implementing and assessing the effectiveness of a comprehensive Teaching-Family consultation system
- Monitoring program implementation
- Identifying Teaching Parent implementation strengths and areas for continued skill development
- Providing on-going training through the use of a conceptual feedback format that helps to organize verbal and written feedback for all Teaching Parents
- Reviewing the implementation of the youth motivation system to assure each youth is receiving least restrictive treatment and effective care
- Assisting Teaching Parents in writing individualized and strengths-based treatment plans for all youth
- Preparing and organizing documentation for all consultation services
For more information about the Consultation Workshop, please contact Innovative Teaching Systems.