This Values Card allows Practitioners to work with Pre-Adolescents on introducing values, recognizing Pre-Adolescents when they do well, and provide guidance when their actions do not align to the stated values.
The Behavioral Contract is between the Practitioner & youth. It helps to set expectations, as well as, puts the agreement in writing. This allows both the Practitioner and youth to have something to reference during discussions.
This Values Card allows Practitioners to work with Adolescents on introducing values, recognizing Adolescents when they do well, and provide guidance when their actions do not align to the stated values.
This Values Card allows Practitioners to work with young children on introducing values, recognizing young children when they do well, and provide guidance when their actions do not align to the stated values.
The Teaching Family Model incorporates learning theory principles into all of their program components to assure program effectiveness. See how these principles are applied when working with youth.
A lot of information is gathered and reviewed during the evaluation process. This module provides a format and guidelines for evaluation report writing.
Community consumer evaluations are part of the evaluation process. Learn how to collect and interpret information from the people who work closely with the Teaching Parents.
Learn how to write behavioral support plans that are individualized and strengths-based. Define Teaching Parent strategies that are proactive in nature and effective in helping youth learn valuable skills.
The Teaching Family Model incorporates Resiliency Theory in its design and application. See how the TFM program components strengthen the youths chances for success.
A guide for consultants when conducting a formal review of the motivation systems. The consultant delivers conceptual feedback to Teaching Parents to increase the systems effectiveness.
A review of the learning theory principles presented in the Pre-Service Workshop and the application of these principles when delivering verbal and written feedback to Teaching Parents.
Each Teaching Parent has the opportunity to be certified if the agency is a Certified Sponsor Site of the Teaching Family Association. If the site qualifies, this module provides a review of the certification criteria and process.
Teaching Parents, as direct care providers, need support and guidance to operate a successful program. This module defines the role of the supervisor in a Teaching Family Model program.
Every youth in placement has a Treatment Plan. The Behavioral Support Plan helps you set individualized, strengths-based goals and strategies utilizing the Teaching Family Model.
A positive relationship between the youth and his parent (or the youth and his family) is a necessity ingredient for the youths long term success. This module offers ideas to keep parents involved.
Having a good working relationship with school personnel is important because it increases the chances that the youth in the Teaching Parents care will be more successful at school.
There are numerous adults within the community who are attached in some way to each youth in the program. Learn how to build positive relationships with these community members through communication and mutual support.
The Teaching Family Model has a statement of ethical standards shared with all Teaching Parents and the time of their Pre-Workshop training. Careful internal auditing of youth rights and staff practices can help prevent problems with licensing and other consumers.
In any home setting it is difficult to find that line between what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable behavior. Learn to find that line and set high expectations for youth achievement.