About Cristy Schlientz

Cristy Schlientz started working with the Teaching-Family Model in 1977 at Father Flanagan's Boys Town, Boys Town, NE. Boys Town was the first residential institution to implement the Teaching-Family Model. Cristy was working with the model during its developmental process. Since the model was new to campus settings, many of the Teaching-Family Association Founding Fathers worked at Boys Town during this same time to help implement the Teaching-Family Model. Because of this, Cristy worked directly with the Founding Fathers and was able to learn the model starting with the early implementation days.

Parents Play a BIG Role in Helping Troubled Youth

When using the Teaching Family Model to help with youth development it’s critical to understand the role that parents play in the process. All sites certified in the Teaching Family Model should do all that they can to promote parent involvement in the youth development process. Teaching Parents are the key players in getting parents [...]

Helping Children Learn Values through the Teaching Family Model

One of the most important things you can do for your child, or any child, is to teach them values. Children form some of their most basic beliefs when very young.  They come from each child’s view of four things: What is important in the family: Determine what your family values are. Start by thinking [...]

Teaching-Family Association Conference: A Big Success

Were you able to attend the 2010 Teaching-Family Association Conference in Columbus, Ohio back on November 18th through 20th? What an amazing 3 days it was! The information sharing was non-stop. Last year approximately 140 people from youth services organizations across the country attended the annual TFA Conference. This year we had approximately 200 attendees! [...]

Teaching-Family Model: Program Components

A few weeks back we wrote an article answering the question, “What is the Teaching-Family Model?“. The answer: The Teaching-Family Model is an evidence-based program used throughout the country to help youth and their families deal with physically, emotionally, and sexually abused children; delinquent youths, emotionally disturbed, autistic and medically fragile children. The Teaching-Family Model [...]

Attending the Teaching-Family Association Conference this November?

Are you planning on attending TFA 2010; the 33rd Annual Conference from the Teaching-Family Association? This conference offers professionals at all levels — from front line practice to administration — the opportunity to gain valuable insight and learn from experts and leaders. Human services professionals and administrators from all over the country will be coming [...]

Sample Motivation Systems of the Teaching-Family Model

In an earlier post on the Teaching Family Services blog we discussed the necessary components of an effective Motivation System. In this article we are going to provide you with an overview of each different sample motivation system. There are many different types of motivation systems to choose from. The following are some brief descriptions [...]

Where Is the Teaching-Family Model Applied?

In an earlier blog article here on the Teaching Family Services Blog we answered the question, what is the Teaching-Family Model? In this post we will follow-up on our previous article by answered the question, where is the Teaching-Family Model applied? The Teaching-Family Model is used a variety of environments. In fact, the Model is [...]

Necessary Components of an Effective Motivation System

In our last post we learned about Motivation Systems as part of the Teaching-Family Model. In this post we are going to focus on the necessary components of an effective motivation system. Motivation systems are all about “function”, not necessarily just “form”. It is the mechanics of the motivation system, not the point card itself [...]

What’s the Point? A New Look at TFM Motivation Systems

The Teaching Family Model has traditionally been known for its’ highly structured daily and weekly point systems. This level system has been effective in motivating youth as it was well designed to automatically incorporate all of the learning theory principles if implemented as taught in the Pre-Service Workshop. It was originally designed for residential group [...]

What is the Teaching-Family Model?

The Teaching-Family Model is an evidence-based program used throughout the country to help youth and their families deal with physically, emotionally, and sexually abused children; delinquent youths, emotionally disturbed, autistic and medically fragile children. The Teaching-Family Model teaches the skills they need to lead a productive and satisfying life. It is one of the only [...]


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